Sunday 30 January 2011

Inception (Michael Maddock)


The opening sequence in inception shows the conventions of the thriller film is that it asks the questions that gets answered in the rest of the film.
Its starts looking out at the rough see and then cuts to a man lying on the beach, at this point we the audience no nothing so this is a very confusing opening.
The editing on the beach bit is very nice; They way they have slowed down the children playing very slightly and made them sound out of time makes the man seem very out of focus. So with out telling us we gather enough information to figure out that he isn’t in his write mind.
Until the armed man finds the gun on him we think he is very innocent but with the clever use on mise en scène we then see the gun we change are minds and now we don’t know who is the antagonist or protagonist. This also works later on when we see the very wrinkly man, just because he is wrinkly we think he is wise and think he is going to try to over power the man who was on the beach just because he is old and clearly powerful.
When we first hear the people we cant understand what they are saying so its clearly not important, but as soon as we get into the house the langue is subtitled showing that this man is going to be important.
As a hole the opening was ok but doesn’t really make me jump at watching the rest of the film. In are film I would hope are opening wouldn’t be as confusing but still confuse are viewer a little to make people finish watching and wonder what happened next.

1 comment:

  1. Wherever you discuss a technique, you should be using terms to specify what you are referring to. For eg - on editing, use terms such as continuity, parallel etc wherever appropriate. You need to make everything part of the process.
