Friday 28 January 2011

Adam Marshall- First thriller research- The Matrix opening.

The mise en scene in this first scene is used to show a lot of mystery and suspense, the use of low key lighting and extreme close ups on the SWAT teams eyes show their fear. the actual setting is dark itself, in an abandoned building that seems to have been out of use for years.From the way we can see the fear in the eyes of the police watching anyone watching the film for the first time would naturally think that Trinity is the antagonist, a clever piece of filing to deceive the audience.The black leather suit she wears also gives the impression that she is not a pleasant woman, as the film progresses we find out this is not the case.
The cuts in this scene vary a lot because the action also varies, like in all films, action scenes contain a lot of short cuts with long shots so we can see what is happening.
The Matrix is such a uniquely styled thriller film in both visual effects and storyline that it has become one of the thrillers that will be remembered for pushing boundaries in genre.  

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