Friday 28 January 2011

Adam Marshall- First thriller research- Silence Of The Lambs opening.

The opening to this thriller is quite different to the ones we have studied in class. There is a vast ammount of mise en scene that tells us more about the character and setting. The protagonist is obviously the female character who we are watching as she runs through the forest and through the FBI building. This building seems to be in the middle of the forest, this could be because a secret government building. one of the ways that shows that this film is under the thriller genre is the use of mise en scene in the mans office. The photos and newspaper articles about the serial killer. These murders are not shown in the plot but are part of the story. it is a restricted narrative, therefore it creates mystery and we want to know what's been happening.

The camera work when following the female protagonist is taken in quiter regular cuts, this show's that she is calm and in no danger. Even when she is running through the forest we can see by her expression and the limited camera movement that she is not in danger.When she is walking through the building the camera is on a dolly to show her movement, there is panning as well for when she walks past the camera.

All the editing is done as cuts between shots, the shots are generally around the same duration. There are are no fades or wipes because we are following the same character in the same time period

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