Sunday 30 January 2011

No Country For Old Men (Michael Maddock)

No Country For Old Men - Opening scene

The opening to this film if very different to most thriller openings. It starts with a shot looking out into the darkness when a voice kicks in. With the way the man talks and the words he says making us feel this is a old film, This could have been done to create a false sense of security as when we think of thrillers we don’t typically think of western film and this first shot looked very much like the start of a western. Then sutely we start to notice modern icons like telephone polls until the camera eventually pans and we see the talker clearly. He is a sheriff putting a man in the back of his car, at this point we don’t know this but the man under arrest it the main subject in the film.
When we eventually get round to seeing the sheriff he looks like a typical American sheriff and because he looks normal we then turn and look at the other man.
The way this scene is shot is also not like most other thrillers. It doesn’t have fast cuts or lots of exciting camera movement it is very slow and controlled and in doing this we almost want to keep watching to find out why a thriller is so carmly shot.
I like how the director has chosen to do a voice over explaining the sheriff’s mind but still not explaining every think like who the criminal is so this is left for us to decide. And although I really like the opening and the voice over I don’t think I would chose to do my opening scene this way.

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