Sunday 30 January 2011

James Bond - Goldeneye (Michael Maddock)

James Bond - Goldeneye Opening

This really has to be one of my favourite thriller openings. Although you never really get introduced to the main characters and there is no real dialog it still works well. The song fits the on screen action amazingly, for example when the words “golden eye” is song an eye appears in shot. This shows nice editing. Also the way the girls dance almost in a sexual nature fits with the Bond stereo type and this kind of shows that this film will be no different.
Right at the start a bullet if fired and from then on all the shots involve fire really shows that this is going to be a true action film, and although there is no dialog there is text. The text isn’t massively relevant to the film it just shows who made the film.
The song is similar to a narration as it is telling a story if you listen to the words, although I wouldn’t want this in my opening I do like how different it is and thing it works well in this kind of opening.

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