Sunday 30 January 2011

Adam Marshall Thriller research- Casino Royale
The opening to this film is very interesting as it is all in black and white. This could have been done to make it look like it is from his past, he states in this scene that this is the first man he kills so it is obviously has some sort of importance to him. It is a look into his past to see how different he was to the more aged Bond he grows into.
The black and white effect also creates a vast amount of darkness in the room he goes to, the first shot of Bond, low key lighting is being used, we can see this because one side of his face is visible, and one side is in the dark.  This room is a complete contrast to the bathroom he fights in, which is very bright. I think this is so we can see the fast paced action and the vast amounts of fast paced shots used in the scene.
As with all other thrillers, the action withing the scene involves lots of shots being taken at loads of different angles, they are all very short takes. The jump from watching the scene in the office, to the scene in the bathroom shows the huge different in shot numbers.As the enemy is being drowned by Bond, the takes seem to be longer, this could be to show his life draining away and the mood calming down again.
There is ambient music in the scene. This is used for a number of reasons, it could be to show a certain emotion or perhaps it could be to build tension. When it cuts to the fight scene in the bathroom the music greatly increases in dynamics and there is a whole ensemble of instruments playing.


  1. See comments made on the last 2. You have done 5, but these are not to pass standard at AS level. You need to resubmit asap.

  2. If you are in touch with Michael, please remind him that he is already late with this work, and has to provide 5 analyses by 9pm tonight!

  3. These have been improved substantially.
