Friday 28 January 2011

Josh Godlington - Thriller intro analysis; Sin City

Sin City
The introduction of Sin City, straight away creates the essence of mystery through use of unknown characters that dont show that they are either an antagonist or a protagonist straight away, the implied knowing of each other and the use of a narrator.

The characters in the clip are shown to know each other which is odd for the beginning of a thriller film as they usually have a introduction that help us understand who the antagonist is or what problems the protagonists may face. The characters throughout the clip are calm around eachother which creates an enigma because of the tension the music creates which gives the idea that something may happen soon. With this you become unsure if the characters are both in threat from a common antagonist or they are a threat to each other.

Use Of Narration
The Narration of this clip is done by the male character and in the narration he uses analogies to describe the female character. The Narration in the clip is the male character describing the situation as he goes along. It is almost like it is his thoughts as he goes along. The first thing that is narated is "She shivers in the wind like the last leaf on a dying tree". This use of narration helps show that perhaps the female character is growing weak but has stayed on strong like the last leaf on a tree. The idea of length told by the naration may show that the female characters time is up. Thia naration may also help show that the male character is the antagonist.

Mise En Scene
The overall of the clip is meant to be a film noir style so it has an old style city look to it. The Open space on the building top that they are on, i believe helps show that either one of them could be the eventual antagonist that the idea of thriller introductions show. The open space of the set helps because it is an open space with just two characters so the emptiness helps with the mystery and tension. The costume is meant to have a classy style and although the male is wearing just a classic suit the female characters costume is more questionable. Although the female character is the protagonist/victim she is wearing a red dress in which the colour red is usually associated with danger that the character wearing it represents. In this case, the red may show that she is in danger but it still could show that she is/was a dangerous character and she was killed for perhaps a reason.

Overall, the sense of mystery and tension is created by the characters knowing of eachother which isnt usually seen in the beginning of a thriller. The narators use of analogies also helps us see who is the anatagonist and protagonist. Overall the intro Creates a lot of enigma.


  1. This is better than your analysis of Signs, but still needs more on narrative as story order, rather than simply narration. Also, you need to analyse sound and editing. Use terms such as 'enigma'. See my blog.

  2. You still have 3 more to do by 9pm tonight.
