Sunday 30 January 2011

Sin City (Michael Maddock)

Sin City

Straight away we are drawn into this film as it is all black and white except the woman’s dress; This is a very interesting technique and the fact it is very uncommon buts the film into a different mindset of your average thriller.
How the characters talk would suggest they know one another witch is strange because the film has only just started and we haven’t even been introduced to the characters.
Most of the speaking in the scene comes from the male character, The way in witch he speaker makes him seem very cold in my opinion this is then backed up when he says “I didn’t come hire for the party I came hire for you”. Narration is also used at the very start of the shot, explaining his mind. We can also tell he fills very much in control at this point as he says “She only goes still for a moment” suggesting he is almost planning to do something as he knows she is scared of him.
Also the use of editing and mise en scène is very nice, for example when her eyes turn green.
I think the way that effects have been played with in this is brilliant and is a concept that could look great in are thriller opening, maybe playing with the saturation to try and create a tensor feel.

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