Tuesday 1 February 2011

Josh Godlington - Thriller intro analysis; the disappearance of alice creed

sorry that these are late internet connection keeps on cutting.

The disappearance of Alice Creed straight off creates enigma through the use of the characters hidden agenda where we do not no what the motive of them doing the things that they do.

How Enigma and thrill is made in the clip
  • The motive of the pair is not really shown as they are seen stealing in one scene but another scene they are seen buying from a home improvement store.
  • The lack of dialogue creates more mystery as dialogue can help show more about a character through the way they speak and what they say.
  • The locations of the house and the woods may help show any motive as they are hidden with none of the close locations show.
  • The camerawork inside the house are establishing shots which put emphasis on key areas which may be important to the rest of the movie
  • The sychronised movements of the characters raises the question of have they done something like this before, as the movements seem robotic or just practised
  • Low key lighting makes the atmosphere of the setting dark.
  • Music adds the tension by changing each time the characters do something
  • When we first see inside the house the music is more calm as the camera pans around and the music changes to a more dynamic tone. 
  • This adds tension by symbolizing that the characters are infact antagonists and may play a main role in the rest of the film.
  • The total darkness of the room made by them boarding up the windows may show signs of an OCD nature as there was curtains up there before so they may have wanted it perfect dark.
  • Overall motive is seen after they buy the bed and fully lock doors
  • This shows that they want to keep people out or people from getting and that they perhaps wish to rape someone.
In conclusion, as the mystery of the motive of the characters is revealed, the tension is raised as it makes you wonder when they are going to commit the crime.

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