Friday 11 February 2011

Filming and Script


We hope to film this up coming half term. If the College cameras are unavailable we will use are own cameras as we may have to film with very short notice and wont have time to book the college cameras, as every one in are group has other commitments such as work and other collage events.

We hope to be using this camera Canon Legria FS37 if we cannot use the colleges.

The Camera-


In are thriller film opening their is no dialogue. However we do have stage directions.
  • Man turns on radio
  • Hear foot steps then the sound of report being droped and chair scrape as it is palled out
  • Then just writing the report and pen noise
  • Title seen, sound of rain 
  • During the next scene just the contrapuntal radio sound. Mainly silent with a little running walter sound
  • In the shower room still no noise except the running Walter and when she puts her hand on the glass   


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