Tuesday 1 February 2011

Josh Godlington - Thriller intro analysis; The Dark Knight


The Dark Knight is a hybrid thriller which is mixed with action. The Intro is mainly filled with hidden identity so it creates mystery as to who it is.

How it creates enigma and thrills
  • The beginning shot paces fowards into the building.
  • makes us wonder if the building is important to the scene
  • Creates excitement and jumps with the unexpected breaking of the window which intially makes you question if inside the building there is a gun fight happening.
  • The hidden identity of the character wearing the mask who shot out the window makes you question if they are an antagonist or protagonist
  • The shot of the person behind with the mask creates enigma as they may be associated with the person is the shot before with the mask.
  • The camera moving in to the mask creates emphasis on the mask as it is basically what we are going to see the character as for the most of the shot.
  • The Dialogue of the scene makes us wonder if the Joker character they are talking about is with them as the character who got into the back seat doesnt say any lines where as the two in the front and the two on the roof do.
  • This also shows that the characters may not be sure as to who is behind the masks
  • Suspense is helped built by shots back to the character in his own office which makes you ask yourself if he is a pivotal character.
  • Music dynamics are built as the criminals get closer to the safe and to the objective.
 The thrill and suspense of the scene is in my eyes helped built by the building action of the characters, the hidden identity of the charcters which makes you ask if they are just normal bank robbers or if they are main characters to the film and the music which build suspense by going in motion with the film

1 comment:

  1. I like the way you have focussed on a single technique here - that's a good way of dealing with the research element.
