Friday 4 February 2011

Mise en scene - filming locations

The filming locations, we hope to use are going to be a house and a room with a desk in it.

The ideas we have for the room with a desk location is that we want a room that is kind of bright. This wont matter in the end though as we are going to block off the windows and use the LED lights that the college has. The idea is that the desk seems isolated and surrounded by darkness is to make the desk the main focus and that there is nothing else around to distract from it.

The house setting is going to have a trashed look to as if someone has been there and is looking for something. The idea of it isnt total carnage. This will have a low key lighting used in it to try and replicate lights that are with in a house and yet at the same time we can use our lighting to help focus on important objects.

photos of ideas should be up with a week or 2

1 comment:

  1. Watch the deadline -you need to have this posted before the 11th - 1 week today.
