Thursday 3 February 2011

Story of thriller opening

The protagonist, after living in a insane asylum from the age of sixteen,  is let out. But, is still mentally unfit and blames his family for incarceration. He then proceeds to hunt down and kill his family for his "revenge".

Within the intro, we see an doctor/policeman going over a criminal/mental health record at his desk. One of the key parts of this scene is when he turns on the radio and music plays, which is played through out the scene and gets clearer as it goes.

Then, next we see the interior of a house, which has been wrecked inside. The inside shots will be dolly shots so we can see the extent of the carnage within the house. We see a shadow of the killer/psychopath walking away from the scan shot. We then go into the bathroom where we see a person sitting in the bath with the shower running onto them as they shiver in fear. As we zoom into the person, at the closest, we see hands grab the person. From here we will have a sudden fade to black with tense low note music over the top.

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