Friday 11 March 2011

Editing Effects and Filters

Michael has been playing with the filters and effects and we have decided, as a group, to use filters on the desk scenes. These are the effects/filters settings that we have used:
  • Brightness - 0
  • Contrast - 8
  • Radius - 0
  • Opacity - 1.79
  • Threshold - 0.1
  • Softness - 0.44
  • Mix - 100m
            Soft Focus
  • Amount - 2
  • Strength - 0.5
  • Horizontal - 100
  • Vertical - 100
  • Mix - 100
  • Color key - 0
  • Tolerance - 29
  • Edge Thin - 0
  • Edge feather -100


  1. Excellent detail - well done! I also like the changes you've made to the format and title of the blog.

  2. Don't forget to do the titles and credits analysis by the end of this weekend, following on from Andrew's lesson on this.
