Friday 25 March 2011

GarageBand- Adam Marshall

For the rest of this double lesson we plan to start on sound editing in GarageBand. Unfortunately josh forgot his guitar today, so we can't record the soundtrack, but we will be able to start putting some diagetic sound in such as tuning a radio, and the sound for a shower.

Final Editing- Adam Marshall

Today we have been doing the last of our editing, we had to cut a lot of footage down as we found out that what we thought was our finished film was about three minutes. Luckily there were a lot of shots that we could cut excess footage off, there was also a shot that we got rid of. We did this because the shot held no meaning and it didn't look as good as we had hoped, i think this was the best thing to do as it also cut a few seconds off.
We also increased the speed of the title so the overall time was greatly reduced, we had some experimenting with this as if the title was too fast then it wouldn't look as good. Once we got the exact speed we wanted it also took a large chunk out of this.
Eventually after cutting a lot of the clips down, we got the whole piece down to about 2.20 which is in the margin we were allowed. I think that all the cutting we'd done has improved the overall piece because it now seems to flow a lot more, it is a lot smoother. 

Wednesday 23 March 2011

Final editing

Today we are getting the final bits done on our final edit before we go into Garageband to add sound effects and our original soundtrack
Overall the complete project should be finished by friday in our double lesson.

Friday 18 March 2011

Cont. editing By Josh, Adam and Harry

We have finished all the editing and now just need to add the sound in garageband.
we may revisit the film to edit things like the title and perhaps change the effects and certain settings like contrast, saturation, etc.
The sound in garageband will mainly small detail sounds like radio noise and shower sounds. And next week we will be recording the original soundtrack to go in when the radio turns on in the movie.

Friday 11 March 2011

Editing Effects and Filters

Michael has been playing with the filters and effects and we have decided, as a group, to use filters on the desk scenes. These are the effects/filters settings that we have used:
  • Brightness - 0
  • Contrast - 8
  • Radius - 0
  • Opacity - 1.79
  • Threshold - 0.1
  • Softness - 0.44
  • Mix - 100m
            Soft Focus
  • Amount - 2
  • Strength - 0.5
  • Horizontal - 100
  • Vertical - 100
  • Mix - 100
  • Color key - 0
  • Tolerance - 29
  • Edge Thin - 0
  • Edge feather -100

AS Media Thriller intro rushes

here are the rushes for our thriller intro

Friday 4 March 2011


One the 23rd of February, we got the filming complete. It took overall about 3 hours to film everything which added up to around 20 minutes of footage. All of the filming was done at Michael's house. We filmed the desk scene in his garage and the house interior shots in the upper of his house. As for keeping it shot for shot with the original storyboard/animatic, we managed to keep it close to our original ideas except for maybe a few shots because we couldn't anticipate the space of where we were filming so we had to change angles.

By Josh Godlington and Adam Marshall